Janet Dafoe has a suggestion for ME / CFS patients this May 12: Video yourself doing the Whitney Plea. In this video, she explains what it is.
After creating the video, we ask you to send it to ME Action so they can be sent to government officials. Instructions from ME Action:
- At the #MillionsMissing protests on Saturday and online, video yourself making Whitney’s gesture.
- Tag your videos #MillionsMissing AND #WhitneyPlea on social media.
- AND send them to millionsmissing@meaction.net (via WeTransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive or your favorite file transfer tool) with the subject line: Whitney Plea.
Find an event near you or learn how to participate virtually: http://millionsmissing.org
Support the Open Medicine Foundation: https://omf.donorsupport.co/-/XGLZNZMT
Support MEAction’s fund to pressure the NIH and Congress for increased funding: http://meaction.net/donate