Personalized Treatment Trials: Video Update!

The Heart of the Matter


  • General practitioners (GPs) often trial different treatments with their ME/CFS and Long COVID patients.


  • In partnership with GPs, by studying the outcomes of each treatment, the patient’s lived experience, and the personal history of the patient, the Personalized Treatment Trials project is looking to understand why someone may or may not respond to treatment.


  • Advancing our understanding of personal response to treatment may help GPs accelerate the time to finding each patient an effective treatment, moving away from the traditional trial-and-error practices.

Personalized Treatment Trials in Australia

Many general practitioners (GPs) working with people with ME/CFS are trialing different treatments with their patients on a regular basis. Through the Personalized Treatment Trials project, Dr. Chris Armstrong, Director of the OMF Melbourne ME/CFS Collaboration, aims to gain valuable insight from these individual trialing periods.


Retrieving clinical and biological data from patients before and after treatments will highlight the impact of that treatment. The data collected before the treatment will be mined for signatures that coincide with a treatment being successful or unsuccessful. By tracking a large number of patients across multiple treatments, the team will look to develop a predictive tool that can estimate the treatments that might have the most impact for a new patient based on data collected before the treatment begins.


There are many treatments available for symptoms but each patient is helped by a different combination. While this isn’t curative, it can be useful in improving life quality. However, the journey of each patient to find that right balance of treatments to improve their life quality can be very long and overwhelming. Furthermore, patients change over time and so does their benefit from certain treatments. The Melbourne ME/CFS Collaboration wants to harness the data of the treatment journey from many patients to benefit all patients. 


Watch the video below to hear more about this study from Chris Armstrong, PhD, Director of the Melbourne ME/CFS Collaboration.


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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

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