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The End ME/CFS & Long COVID Project: Advancing the Latest Research in Chronic Complex Diseases

The End ME/CFS and Long COVID Project encompasses the latest OMF-supported and facilitated research conducted within six ME/CFS Collaborative Research Centers (CRCs). OMF’s guiding strategy focuses on open, collaborative research so that precise diagnostic tools and life-changing treatments can be available to people with related chronic complex diseases as soon as possible.

Funding an internationally-based research network instead of single researchers ensures the stability and collaboration essential for an outcomes-focused, transparent, and multi-pronged approach to finding answers


The six CRCs are working collaboratively to build a repository of data about ME/CFS and  Long COVID. This data is essential to develop diagnostic technologies, understand the molecular basis of the diseases,  and uncover effective diagnostic tools and treatments.

ME / CFS Collaborative
Research Center

at Stanford University

The Ronald G. Tompkins Harvard ME/CFS Collaboration

at Harvard Affiliated Hospitals

Major OMF Supported Research Initiatives

With oversight from OMF’s Boards of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board, the following research projects further OMF’s Strategic Goals to improve the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS and Long COVID.

Current Research

Publications of OMF Funded Research

  1. Longitudinal cytokine and multi-modal health data of an extremely severe ME/CFS patient with HSD reveals insights into immunopathology, and disease severity by Fereshteh Jahanbani, Justin Cyril Sing, Rajan Douglas Maynard, Ronald W. Davis, Janet Dafoe, Whitney Dafoe, Shaghayegh Jahanbani, Nathan Jones, Kelvin J. Wallace, Azuravesta Rastan, Holden T. Maecker, Hannes L. Röst, Michael P. Snyder

  2. Unravelling shared mechanisms: insights from recent ME/CFS research to illuminate long COVID pathologies by Sarah J Annesley, D

  3. Analysis of tryptophan metabolites and related compounds in human and murine tissue: development and validation of a quantitative and semi-quantitative method using high resolution mass spectrometry by Sandy Abujrais, S. J. Kumari A. Ubhayasekera, and Jonas Bergquist
  4. In vitro B cell experiments explore the role of CD24, CD38, and energy metabolism in ME/CFS by Christopher W. Armstrong, Fane F. K. Mensah, Maria J. Leandro, Venkat Reddy, Paul R. Gooley, Saul Berkovitz, Geraldine Cambridge.
  5. Catalytic Antibodies May Contribute to Demyelination in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Michael Anthony Jensen*, Miranda Lee Dafoe, Julie Wilhelmy, Layla Cervantes, Anna N Okumu, Lucas Kipp, Mohsen Nemat-Gorgani, and Ronald Wayne Davis
  6. Temporal pathway analysis of cerebrospinal fluid proteome in herpes simplex encephalitis by Anja Nääs, Peng Li, Clas Ahlm, Elisabeth Aurelius, Josef D. Järhult, Silvia Schliamser, Marie Studahl, Wenzhong Xiao, Jonas Bergquist & Gabriel Westman
  7. Exercise Pathophysiology in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2: More in Common Than Not?
  8. Systematic Review of NMR-Based Metabolomics Practices in Human Disease Research by Katherine Huang , Natalie Thomas , Paul R. Gooley and Christopher W. Armstrong
  9. When a 17-Year-Old Girl Is Diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: A Case Study from the Swedish Health Care System—A Parent
    Perspective by Eva Bojner Horwitz, Jonas Axelsson, Olli Polo, Leif Widebert, Töres Theorell, Anabelle Paulino, David Ullman, Jonas Bergquist
  10. Predictors of post-COVID-19 and the impact of persistent symptoms in nonhospitalized patients 12 months after COVID-19, with a focus on work ability by Marta A. Kisiel, Helena Janols, Tobias Nordqvist, Jonas Bergquist, Simone Hagfeldt, Andrei Malinovschi and Magnus Svartengren
  11. Phenotypic Characteristics of Peripheral Immune Cells of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome via Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Pilot Study by Fereshteh Jahanbani, Rajan D. Maynard, Justin Cyril Sing, Shaghayegh Jahanbani, John J. Perrino, Damek V. Spacek, Ronald W. Davis, Michael P. Snyder
  12. Neurovascular Dysregulation and Acute Exercise Intolerance in ME/CFS: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Pyridostigmine by Phillip Joseph, MD, Rosa Pari, MD, Sarah Miller, BS, Arabella Warren, BS, Mary
    Catherine Stovall, BS, Johanna Squires, MSc, Chia-Jung Chang, PhD, Wenzhong
    Xiao, PhD, Aaron B. Waxman, MD, PhD, David M. Systrom, MD 
  13. The underlying sex differences in neuroendocrine adaptations relevant to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Natalie Thomas, Caroline Gurvich, Katherine Huang, Paul R Gooley, Christopher W Armstrong
  14. Drawing on Findings From Critical Illness to Explain Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Jonas Bergquist and Dominic Stanculescu
  15. Lessons From Heat Stroke for Understanding Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Dominic Stanculescu, Nuno Sepúlveda, Chin Leong Lim and Jonas Bergquist
  16. A Comprehensive Examination of Severely Ill ME/CFS Patients,”  by Ronald W. Davis, PhD and Wenzhong Xiao, PhD, Stanford Collaboration
  17. Theory: Treatments for Prolonged ICU Patients May Provide New Therapeutic Avenues for ME/CFS, by Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD, Uppsala Collaboration
  18. Phase 1 study to access safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics09, and pharmacodynamics of kynurenine in healthy volunteers, by Jonas Bergquist, Uppsala Collaboration 
  19. Insights from Invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing by David Systrom, MD, Harvard Collaboration
  20. Mechanisms That Prevent Recovery in Prolonged ICU Patients Also Underlie ME/CFS by Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD, Uppsala Collaboration
  21. Microfluidic Point-of-Care Testing: Commercial Landscape and Future Directions by Ronald W. Davis, PhD and Amit K. Saha, Stanford Collaboration
  22. Profile of circulating microRNAs in myalgic encephalomyelitis and their relation to symptom severity, and disease pathophysiology by Alain Moreau, PhD, Montreal Collaboration
  23. Autoantibodies to beta-adrenergic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) patients by Jonas Bergquist, Uppsala Collaboration
  24. Acute necrotizing encephalopathy with SARS-CoV-2 RNA confirmed in cerebrospinal fluid by Jonas Bergquist, Uppsala Collaboration
  25. The IDO Metabolic Trap Hypothesis for the Etiology of ME/CFS by Robert D. Phair, PhD and Ron Davis, PhD, Stanford Collaboration
  26. A Nanoelectronics-blood-based diagnostic biomarker for ME / CFS by Rahim Esfandyarpour, PhD and Ronald W. Davis, PhD, Stanford Collaboration
  27. Red Blood Cell Deformability is diminished in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, by Anand Ramasubramanian, PhD and Ronald Davis, PhD, Stanford Collaboration
  28. Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome by Robert Naviaux, MD, PhD, Stanford Collaboration

The current COVID-19 pandemic offers an unprecedented opportunity to understand how a viral infection may convert to ME/CFS in some patients.

The six ME/CFS Collaborative Centers have begun a unique,  extensive, in-depth longitudinal molecular study following COVID-19 patients. Their shared goal is to determine the pathways involved in maintaining long-term symptoms in some patients,  possibly converting to ME/CFS. They seek to learn about these pathways so as to develop biomarkers, novel drug targets,  new treatment, and prevention strategies.

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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

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