Linda Tannenbaum Worldwide Tour Talk

YouTube video

As a part of the 2017 End ME / CFS Worldwide Tour, Linda Tannenbaum, CEO/President, spoke in six European countries and seven U.S. cities. Each visit included a presentation, Q & A session, and personal meet and greet. On the tour, Linda had the honor of meeting hundreds of patients, parents and caregivers. Each has a unique story and truly inspires us.

Linda’s talks were about the ground-breaking research OMF is supporting, as well as the research of several of our collaborators. Several of her talks were recorded along the way and we thank all of our team OMF volunteers for doing so. Linda’s recent talk in New York City on November 1, 2017 was recorded, edited and is presented here. Thank you to fellow parent, Stephen Appelbaum, for helping OMF on behalf of his daughter Carly Appelbaum Goldberg. Volunteers like Stephen are helping OMF to spread our message of hope. We thank you all.

Linda’s presentation is now available for you to view. We invite you to watch Linda’s talk to learn more about the research OMF is funding and facilitating and the impact we are having on open and collaborative global research.

Through the Worldwide Tour, the OMF family has grown bigger and stronger. We are now sharing hope with people in over 100 countries! We look forward to meeting more of you in 2018.

Click here to watch the full recording

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

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